Over 40 and Looking for a job

Over 40 and Looking for a Job?     Horn icon.

Too early to retire, but you want to change jobs? Does it seem like nobody is hiring people your age? Are your years of experience making you look old on paper? Have you been at the same company so long you don’t even know how to start a job search? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this session is for you.

Finding yourself in the job market in mid-career can be very daunting, but it does not have to be.  This session will navigate you through some of the actions to take if you are an over 40 job hunter.  You will learn how to best frame your professional and life experiences as valuable assets to prospective employers.  You will also learn about some of the common workplace stereotypes associated with over 40 employees and how to dispel those myths.  This session is designed to get you on track to fulfilling your career aspirations during your mid-career.

Day of Week



Workshop Title

Event Facility 

To Register:

Thursday 20-Sept 10:30am-11:30am Over 40 and Looking for a job? Carter Memorial Church

13 South Poppleton Street
To register at Carter Memorial Church
Friday 21-Sep 10:30am-11:30am Over 40 and Looking for a job? Northern Community Action Center

5225 York Road
To register at Northern Community Action Center
Friday 21-Sep 5:30pm-6:30pm Over 40 and Looking for a job? City of Baltimore DHR Learning & Development Center

7 E. Redwood Street
To register at the City of Baltimore DHR Learning & Development Center